Trainer & Berater
Brief info

Jörg Schardin, Jahrgang 1965,
Trainer & Berater

The educated pedagogue acquired his initial professional experience in schools and teacher-training college. After qualifying as bank clerk, he went on to work in one of the leading banks in Germany, where he became a professional trainer and completed his studies as bank officer (Chamber of Commerce) in the Bank Academy, Frankfurt/Main as well as successfully obtaining his license as Trainer for Vocational Education (AEVO) in commercial industry.

He gained experience as an independent management and financial consultant and has for many years held an executive position in a renowned national Lawyer Chambers. During his professional career, he obtained experience in single and group coachings, conducted assessment centres and specialised in sales and behavioural trainings.

Of great importance in his training work is the variety of communication training in the improvement of team processes, effective presentation techniques, time management and even personal interview training. Further specialties of his training in the team include business management subjects, e.g. cost-effective thinking for managers and employees, handling of questions that pertain to management strategy, the portrayal of control instruments in competition, cost management and controlling, as well as questions concerning company competitiveness.



+49 30 8265242
Bülowstraße 66,
10783 Berlin
