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Leadership and motivation of employees

06.07.2023 | 9:0007.07.2023 | 17:00

  • Start: 06.07.2023 | 9:00 Uhr
  • End: 07.07.2023 | 17:00 Uhr

Leadership and motivation of employees


Leading and motivating employees requires special skills. It requires patience, social skills and clear tasks by the manager. It is important to be self-motivated in order to keep your employees motivated. In this two-day seminar, you will get to know procedures and behavioural patterns with which you can confidently face challenging leadership situations. By illuminating different leadership styles, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your own leadership behaviour, discuss means and possibilities of motivating employees and thus gain confidence in your appearance.


  • What is leadership? – Qualities of the ideal leader
  • Management styles and their consequences
  • Convincing appearance
  • Adequate conduct of discussions
    – Positive mood in the discussion
    – Confront without hurting
    – Feedback
  • Reacting appropriately and confidently in difficult situations
  • Motivating and de-motivating leadership behavior
    – Motivating factors
    – How do I motivate myself – How do I motivate others?
  • Delegation as a means of leadership


The practical work and the exchange of experiences among each other are the main focus of the seminar. By working on topics in small groups, by means of exercises and checklists, the participants have the opportunity to examine their own behaviour and thus increase their personal impact. New positive attitudes offer alternatives for behaviour and action and give – even in difficult situations – security and self-confidence. They contribute to personality development and lead to high personal motivation and persuasiveness.

Seminar costs

The participation fee for this 2-day seminar includes the seminar documentation, cold/warm drinks during breaks and business lunch and amounts to 830 Euro/participant.




    +49 30 8265242
    Bülowstraße 66,
    10783 Berlin
